
Silver Linings, Choose Love x Guilty Feminist
A social media video campaign I directed, shot and edited with DOP Clem Cusack. In these comedy sketches and sentimental features, celebs share their ‘lockdown silver linings’ to spread a spirit of gratitude and generosity with refugees. December 2020 – March 2021.

Moss & Marlow: TV & Takeaways
Deborah Frances-White: Mama Morton
Tom Allen: Boxing
Sindhu Vee: Cooking
Joy Crookes: Bangla
Rosie Jones: Attitude
Emma Thompson & Greg Wise: Feral
Alex Lawther: Book Sorting (remote shoot)
Russel Tovey: Hounds (remote shoot)
David & Georgia Tennant: Staged (remote shoot)
Nish Kumar: Singing
Elz the Witch: Date Night

Afghan Resettlement Scheme 2021
Below is a feature on two Afghan sisters separated as delays in the UK’s promised resettlement scheme persisted, filmed for a social media campaign.

London Press Club Awards 2020
The 2020 London Press Club Awards were held virtually during the pandemic, hosted by Doug Wills, Managing Editor of ESI Media, for whom I edited and animated the final piece. October 2020.

Video Journalism
Below are some of the news features and bulletins I’ve produced and presented for the Evening Standard and Financial Times Jr.

Virus outbreak in the Calais ‘Jungle’
Nine years of Syrian War explained
Deborah Frances-White’s lockdown silver linings
Local Councils struggle to house homeless during pandemic
Any Winehouse gets a star on Camden’s Walk of Fame
My first video: Young Climate Warriors for the FT Jr.
Why is there still no justice for Grenfell, three years on?
The Windrush Scandal: lessons learned and not learned
Art in a time of corona
News bulletin
Nagasaki 75th anniversary
Social media and mental health for the FT Jr.